This is my layout design for my website (i Love My design concept are similar to the drawing board on the desk=)
I am recommending using this Pentel Oil Pastels (50 colors). However, the image (temporary only) is very pixilated so i am trying to search for the actual product & snap a photo on it.
the quality, production, expression, or realm, according toaesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or ofmore than ordinary significance.
tech·nol·o·gy [tek-nol-uh-jee]
the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
eu·pho·ri·a [yoo-fawr-ee-uh, -fohr-]
–noun Psychology.
a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.
woah look so real..
so PRO as usual =P
nice layout
Yea~ It is so real and so nice, good work!
yeaaah! very nice!!
do you have any games/interactive thingy?
feel excited.
in my memory crayon use to b dirty when we play on last time we was small~ tis 1 looks so neat n nice bt suitable~ nice 1 ^^
Hey i got that background also before ...xD
impressive work...i love this...cant wait to interact with it...xD
If hv a page that allow us to play the crayon, then is more awesome ! :)
Is very nice! i like it a lot !!!^^
omg.. i dislike crayon.. but ur layout is cold! hahaha...
steve..damn nice layout lor..teach teach me crayon..hehe..^0^
From the start till the end, please let the users mess up your canvas. the pentel crayon seems too perfectly kept in the box.
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